Advanced Insulation Precast Company (AIPCO)
The daily production capacity of a proposed AIPCO Manufacturing facility is two thousand five hundred square meters per day. (2,500m2). This equates to an approximate potential turnover of production of seven hundred and twenty thousand square meters per annum.

AIPCO, design, manufacture and erect an innovative precast insulated composite walling system and pre-stressed hollow core flooring to the highest standards within a factory environment.
Continuous investment has been the key to providing the latest technology for both design and manufacture thus ensuring a quality product, manufactured in a safe environment.
Through constant research and development AIPCO are continuously at the leading edge of product development to ensure we exceed Building Regulations and Statutory Requirements.
AIPCO’s highly trained, skilled and dedicated workforce work closely with our clients to complete a quality project on time and within budget.
Company Philosophy
As a team, we are dedicated to uncompromising quality and continuous attention to detail. We bring to the market a longstanding interest in sustainable technologies and energy efficient construction methods. With our experience and knowledge in sustainable technologies, our state-of-the-art building system and low energy/passive building technology, we are able to offer a build solution to provide a healthy and comfortable living environments. and eliminate the deficiencies associated with alternative build methods.
AIPCO is at the forefront in providing value‐added construction services to our clients by creating a successful partnership with them throughout the construction process.
System Advantages
• Ease and Speed of Construction – Pre-cast concrete components are designed and manufactured for efficient assembly of all components inclusive of walls, floors, window sills and supporting structural steel in less than one week irrespective of most weather conditions.
• Energy Efficiency – Our standard 320mm external wall panel comprising 185mm expanded polystyrene core achieves a U Value of 0.18 W/m2k. Our flagship 420mm external wall panel comprising 285mm expanded polystyrene core achieves a U Value of 0.12W/m2k. Lower U Values are also achieved using various thicknesses of polystyrene.
The Technical Guidance Part L (Conservation of Fuel and Energy) of the Building Regulations (2007) requires a Minimum U Value of 0.27 W/m2k.
Our Objective
To develop carrousel plants and systems for the precast concrete industry whilst setting new standards in the fields of innovation, performance and quality.
• Soundproofing & Fireproofing – Excellent airborne and impact sound attenuation while providing a superior structural system that surpasses current legislation for fireproofing. Quality – Pre-cast concrete is inherently while not worrying on availability of labouror materials.
• Complete Service – We will design, manufacture transport and erect the various pre-cast concrete components in accordance with your Architects design.
• Thermal Mass – The 100mm dense concrete inner leaf will absorb, store and later release significant amounts of heat. The dense concrete absorbs energy slowly and holds it for much longer periods of time than less denser materials such as concrete block.
• This delay and reduction in heat transfer through the building leads to three important results.
1. There are fewer spikes in the heating and cooling requirements, i.e. the higher thermal mass helps smooth out temperature swings.
2. Reduced energy requirements for the building.
durable. The system components are weather (water ingress, condensation), pest, fire and corrosion resistant making them an ideal choice of material for the Irish climate.
Variables on site such as material and craftsmanship are eliminated in a plant environment.
• Reliability for Budget and Build Programme – Benefit from a design and build approach
3. Thermal mass can shift energy demand to off peak time.
• Waste & Recycling – On site waste and the need for recycling is eliminated as the entire system is delivered ready for erection.
• Design & Certification – The AIPCO System is designed in accordance with the requirements of BS8110: Part 1: 1997 – ‘British Standards for the Design and Construction of Reinforced and Pre-stressed Concrete Structures. Upon completion of the on site assembly the system is then certified by a competent Chartered Civil or Structural Engineer.
Products Offered
Precast Insulated Composite Walls
System (External Walls) comprising:
1. a) 35mm 35N concrete with scratch coat to exterior surface.
2. b) 185 to 285mm expanded or Extruded polystyrene core.
3. c) 100mm 50N smooth finish concrete to interior surface. Overall wall thickness of 320mm for 185mm (EPS) core or 210mm for 60mm.
Precast Solid Wall Panel – 50N concrete
(Internal Walls)
1. 100mm Thick
2. 200mm Thick
Why choose AIPCO as your partner?
AIPCO successfully offers the combined advantages of state of the art modern production technology, high capacity and wide product range to deliver complete building systems and precast components into the market.
AIPCO has been designing, constructing and developing machinery and plants for the precast concrete industry for the past five years.
New ground-breaking solutions are constantly being developed in close collaboration with our customers. Such breakthrough’s as the fully automated shuttering robots, and ‘the new pneumatic robot to enable the shuttering of curved arch’s and complex shapes thus eliminating the requirement for skilled labour forming steel and timber fabrications’. AIPCO have received Global award for design innovation.
AIPCO designs your fully automated plant in line with your specific budgetary and technical requirements.
Example of Completed Projects
Hotel Extension– Abbeylix Manor Hotel; Hotel Extension – Carlton Abbey Housing Development –110 No. Units – Port Café & Internet, Eyre Square, Construction & fit Out –
Single Dwelling, 4000sqft –Castlebar ; Single Dwelling, 3000sqft –Foxford,
Single Dwelling, 4500sqft –, Single Dwelling, 4000sqft – Oilgate; Single Dwelling, 6500sqft – Cold Water Lakes, all in Ireland Riverview, Ireland 146 No. Units Housing Development –Ireland 220 No. Units, Housing Development – Tolan Classic, Ireland 92 No. Industrial Units, 10,000m2, Portlaoise, Including Machinery Installation,